What is Invictus Launch Week?
Invictus Launch Week is an in game event held in Star Citizen every year in May
This year along with a ship expo at New Babbage (where you will be able to rent ships for free). There will also be a tour by the UEE fleet. We will be able to tour the interior of a Javelin Destroyer, in game, for the first time. In addition the Bengal Carrier will be making its in game debut.
FREE Invictus Jacket!
The Jacket is FREE to everyone who attends the Invictus Launch Week between May 21 and June 1. This will be issued to accounts on June 10.
Ships to Rent for Free
Visit the Expo at New Babbage on Microtech and you are able to rent the ships on display for free:
- May 21 – May 22: Roberts Space Industries – 6 vehicles | Origin Jumpworks – 2 vehicles | Consolidated Outland – 1 vehicle | Argo Astronautics – 2 vehicles
- May 23 – May 24: Aegis Dynamics – 15 vehicles
- May 25 – May 26: Crusader Industries – 3 vehicles | Tumbril Landsystems – 5 vehicles | Musashi Industrial & Starflight Concern – 4 vehicles
- May 27 – May 28: Anvil Aerospace – 14 vehicles
- May 29 – May 30: Drake Interplanetary – 7 vehicles
- May 29 – June 01: All vehicles from the previous days are available to rent for free until June 1st!

How do I get to the Javelin tour?
During Invictus Launch Week, you can tour the interior of an in-service Javelin destroyer.
The Javelin moves through Stanton, and you will see a Quantum beacon on your map showing the fleet location. Its location is also advertised on display panels around the landing zones and stations.

It will dock at the following stations:
- Head to Everus Harbor above Hurston
- Baijini Point above ArcCorp
- Port Tressler above microTech.
From the elevators next to the ship spawning terminals. You can select the correct Docking port to go to (will be detailed on the advertisements).

How do I see the Bengal Carrier?
Same as with the Javelin check the advertisements or map for the location and times.
You will need to take a ship or join friends on a multi crew ship, as the Bengal will fly around the station.
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