What is Free Fly?
Free fly means that you do NOT need to pledge to play the game. Create an account, download the game and you are good to go!
If you have been watching from the sidelines, this will be a great opportunity to play Star Citizen and experience it for yourself.
See this Referral Code Guide to get 5,000 free UEC, when setting up a new account.
The free fly week runs alongside an in game event the Intergalactic Aerospace Expo (IAE). This year held at New Babbage on Microtech. Along with the manufacturer displays, you are able to rent ships at no cost to try out yourself.
How long is the Free Fly available?
You will be able to play Star Citizen from Nov 20 – Dec 2
What Ships are available?
Ships will be on display at the Convention Hall in New Babbage on Microtech. The different manufacturers will be taking over the Hall every few days. You will be able to test fly most of the ships on display and will need to return each day if you wish to try out all the ships available.

Anything else?
There will likely be numerous pledge promotions during the week. These normally will be offers on ships or vehicles from the different manufacturers and will coincide with the day they are on display.
If are looking to continue playing the game after the event. It is worth keeping an eye out for any Starter Pack offers.
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