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Welcome to Klescher Rehabilitation Facility

Klescher Common Room

Klescher Common Room

Prison gameplay guide for Star Citizen

Klescher Habitation Module

Your Habitation Unit will serve as your spawn point until you are released from the facility.

Klescher Information Terminal

Make your way to the Common Room and look for the consoles in the middle.

Klescher Inmate Processing

Your projected time until release is how long until you can leave the facility. It is in real time.

Work the mines… or escape?

Klescher Mine Entrance

To work the mines you will need hand mine mineral deposits in the mines These can be traded in to reduce your time until release.

Klescher Commissary Terminal

Next to the mine entrance you will find the Commissary.

From here you can obtain items to make your stay… survivable!

Klescher mine stash

The mines are a hostile area so watch your back.

You can find helpful items dotted around, so keep an eye out for a stash.

Klescher mine shiv

Just for defence… but that other inmate has just finished mining a rich mineral deposit…

Two types of shiv can be found. It will be returned when you are released… but can be kept if you escape.

Klescher Mineral Deposit Terminal

Mineral deposits can be dropped off at the terminal next to the mine exit and exchanged for merits. The merits can be used to reduce you time in the facility.

Klescher Inmate Processing

Once the time has ran out. You are free to leave the facility.

Klescher Inmate Processing

Make your way to Inmate Processing and use the lift to the surface. Your time at Klescher is served… for now.