When the event triggers a priority mission will appear on your Mobiglass (F1)

Head over to MIC L1 and bind to the R&R Station (So you can spawn back there if needed).
You will see Jericho Station on your map, so quantum over to trigger next part.
Cargo Phase
You are tasked with recovering resources to resupply the Javelin docked at Jericho Station

You will need a ship to transport the cargo and/or defend against the Xeno Threat Pirates!
Head over to the Wreck site on your map and locate the Starfarer wrecks.
You will need to find your way inside and open the cargo door to recover the the cargo.
There are hostile NPC’s inside the wrecks!

Diluthermex – Yellow Dots Cylinder
Quantum Sensitive – Will explode if Quantum
Do NOT Quantum
Needs to be flown back to Jericho Station Directly. It is ideal to split these out and take separately if in larger group.

AcryliPlex – Blue Square
Damage Sensitive – Will explode from impact or heat damage
CAN Quantum
Load these first if transporting with Zeta-Prolanide (see below)

Zeta-Prolanide – Green Square
Time Sensitive – Roughly 20 mins from when removed from crates before explodes
CAN Quantum
Try to remove these from crates last and/or load into a ship that will take these right away

Any ship you can chuck boxes in, is viable to move the cargo.
The Tractor Beam is really handy!

You will find resource terminals next to the landing pads at Jericho Station. Here you are able to sell the resources, which count towards the mission goal!
During the Cargo Phase
- Ships at the Wreck sites can be attacked by Xeno Threat so make sure they are defended.
- Mission to Defend Supply Ships
- Combat players will need to go to the location and destroy the Xeno Threat Forces attacking the supply ships on route to Jericho. If successful these supply ships will deliver their resources and reduce the amount that needs to be moved by players
- Mission to defend the Javelin
- Xeno Threat forces will also occasionally attack the Javelin docked at Jericho. Combat players will need to destroy the Xeno Treat forces to repel the attack. Hint – kill the escort ships first!
Once the resource quota has been met, the mission will move to next Phase…
Attack Phase

Switch to combat ships if were moving cargo!
Return to the Wreck Site to Face down the Xeno Threat Idris.
Waves of fighters with Hammerhead escorts will spawn, so focus fire accordingly.
Once the Idris is destroyed you have completed the mission………wait…..more Xeno Threat arriving from quantum…..
The fight will escalate further but your good work with the resource resupply will come in handy!
Honour Forever will be running regular groups for this event. If you are looking for an active Org and are up for group play. Come join us 🙂
Look forward to seeing you in the verse!

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